Official Name - República de Ecuador (Republic of Ecuador)
Languages - Spanish
Country Population - 13,200,000
Capital City - Quito (population 1,302,000)
Land Area - 109,000 square miles (about 1/20th size of USA)
Currency - Sucre (1 sucre = $1)
Fun Facts - Ecuador is named because of its position on the equator.
  - Ecuador own the Galapagos Islands which are located 600 miles off the coast.  This is home to Galapagos tortoise which can live to be 200 years old.  Notice the tortoise on the currency.
  - Their flag is similar to that of Colombia, with the addition of the Ecuadorian coat of arms.  The bird on the coat of arms is a condor.  A condor can have a wingspan of over 6 feet.

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